Let's Talk Print



It’s that place where you brand leaves the virtual world and jumps into the hands of your consumers, prospects, investors and employees. It’s more often than not the first opportunity your brand has to make a tangible impression on the market. So let’s make that impression a positive, memorable one. Makes sense, right?


One of the biggest pitfalls we see with clients, especially those launching new companies into today’s marketplace is that while they may be selling high dollar products, services and solutions, they are failing to recognize the large gap between the value of what they’re delivering and the quality of their marketing materials. It has been shown time and time again the power of the first impression. But when it comes to putting the dollar behind that to truly make that first impression resonate, we see clients over and over try to cut corners here.


Any of these sound familiar???

“We don’t need to spend too much time making it perfect now, we are just testing the water.”

“We don’t need to print the special finishes for launch, let’s just get something out there and see if people like it.”

“We can come back and make it perfect once we have our next wave of funding”

All of these are common situations that arise when clients haven’t set aside a true budget for branding and collateral. And that’s why when we kick off ANY project that involves print, we encourage clients to share with us the full scope of what they are comfortable investing in the print pieces. Why might you be asking? Because the last thing we want to be doing as good designers is creating a collateral package for you that you can’t afford to execute as intended.


We sit with each client during our discovery session for any given project and talk through the process and the budgetary constraints. We explain to them the reason and rationale behind the questions we are asking and truly partnering with them to create a winning solution. We also talk through the function they see each piece having, the quantity they truly need and the fashion in which it will be shared out into the marketplace. Once we have all of that information, not only have we re-established with our clients what we preach all along – that we are truly a PARTNER and want to help them the best way we can – but we have also created a set of parameters to design within that guarantees a win for everyone.

Then we get to designing, knowing what we can afford to execute. And that makes it fun for us. We get to be creative, strategic and innovative with each project to generate pieces that are eye catching and memorable that will make it to the market without sacrificing our design or the client budget.

Take a look at some of our favorites from the last few months!


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