Confident Contracting Consultants



Confident Contracting Consultants is a female-owned company that was founded with the goal of filling a void in the residential home insurance industry space. CCC uses their expansive knowledge and integrity to earn the respect of each company that they work with. 


We started with the brand identity. What did it stand for? What did it represent both internally and to the market. Then we set out to craft a brand identity that was bold but that showed integrity , commitment and reliability of the brand.

The logo design and supporting icons were finessed from the idea of the 3”c” letterforms but utilizes them to create a robust “c” that coveys forward movement and energy through its structure. The icon leans into the 3D sphere shape that represents a holistic, complete service offering.

Below is the resulting logo mark and the brand system that it evolved into.


Our goal : to create a digital home for the brand that conveyed what services the CCC team offered and what made them different from the competition - a site that brought to life the personality and culture of the organization in a way that resonated in a digital space.


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