Let's Talk Point of Sale



It’s one of those terms thrown around the marketing world that you might be wondering… “What IS that?”

It’s pretty simple actually. Point of sale refers to all the efforts a brand puts forward that increase sales at the point the purchase is actually made by a consumer (think inside the retail store). Primarily this revolves around the point in which a transaction is made and is a staple of retail and restaurant environments. In fact, I’m sure you not only see them daily yourself, but I would be willing to bet that your purchasing decisions have been swayed by them a time or two…. and that’s exactly what brands are counting on.


Because decisions are made by consumers up until the moment a sale is made, marketing teams around the globe focus efforts on capturing that sale up until the last second possible. For us, that has meant partnering with a variety of consumer goods brands to help them convert consumers into active purchasers or, in everyday terms, get consumers to take their product off the shelf and into their basket.


Point of sale displays (or POS displays for short) have proven to be an effective and impactful way of upselling to customers and increasing their spend-per-visit. When implemented correctly, a POS marketing strategy can be used to brand build, impress customers and ultimately increase sales.


Successful campaigns build upon their messaging at every touchpoint, connecting the dots for consumers from the ad they might have seen online, to the display instore, to the coupon on-pack. This all reiterates a message to the consumer and increases the odds that your brand's message will break through the clutter. Of course, all the consistency in the world won’t help if you don’t have stand out creative that speaks directly to your targeted consumer… but that’s what we are here for, to make sure you do!


POS is also a great way to build brand awareness and introduce potential customers to your product – especially if your product is new and people have never heard of your company or brand. It helps quickly educate the consumer about your product, why they should want it in their life and encourage them to give it a try. These messages have to be concise, compelling and creative … think about what’s going on in your head when rushing through a store. Now imagine what it would take to make you interact with a brand? It’s our job to make sure we know that and how to make it happen for various brands.

Launching a new brand? Looking to increase in-store sales or grow your footprint with retailers? Let’s talk!


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